Photograph Information
Title: The Flying Seven – Vancouver – 1936
Source: Vancouver Archives
Source Link: AM54-S4-2-: CVA 371-478
Photographer: Unknown
Date: 1936
Colourization Notes
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The Flying Seven
The Flying Seven — an all-female flying group — took to the air one day in November 1936 and then kept at least one airplane over Vancouver throughout each 24-hour day. During World War II the group was instrumental in training women in parachute and aircraft maintenance.
They promoted flying among women & helped establish the first aviation training centre for women in Canada
(left to right): Miss Tosca Trasolini, Mrs. Alma Gilbert, Miss Jean Pike, Mrs. Elizabeth (Betsy) Flaherty, Miss Margaret Fane, Miss Rolie Moore (Mrs. Barratt) and Miss Elianne Roberge
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